Personal Insight from Dan Kenney

2013-01-28 09.37.09 OBSERVATION          

I believe Observation is probably the strongest tool one can posses; if you truly know how to use it.  These are not words from some self help book or website…  but valuable insight I’d like to share, directly coming from me…….  because I have truly “observed”

Once you train your mind to truly “observe” the data you will gather over time is priceless.  It’s important to understand that to OBSERVE is not simply to see, or to watch…. but to truly soak in every detail and be able to reference this in your mind as similar tasks, obstacles or opportunities present themselves.

I’ve been strengthening my skill of Observation for almost 20 years now, even taking notes along the way.  I really didn’t know why I realized observation was so powerful.  But I always knew I was learning for a reason…. just didn’t really understand what that reason was or would be.  I do understand now

Over this time I have seen many positive scenarios come up, as well as many “not so good” ones as I’ve been on different job tasks, positions and relations.  To observe is to recognize such scenarios and have the ability to also record what the outcome was, good or bad.  “How did this certain decision effect the people directly involved, the work being done, and/or the company overall?”  Remember that scenario whether the outcome is good or bad.  You will learn from either and both.

Now I bring up an important point….. “hind-sight”.  This term is always used sarcastically or jokingly, such as “hind-sight is 20/20”.  It’s mocked because it seems easy to critique a certain scenario after the fact.  I find great value in “hind-sight” because I use it as a tool, a lesson.  Say for instance a scenario you’ve observed resulted in a very negative outcome.  Ask yourself, if you were the actual decision maker there…. how would you have done it differently?  It’s also very important to note, at which time throughout this scenario would the most critical decision need to be made.  Every project, good or bad has a “pivot point”.  I define this as the point in which any project can take a turn for the good or the bad.  In the beginning, almost every project worth working on has the ability somehow to come out positively.  Observation provides you with factual data to aid in decisions along the way.

Again, these words are mine.  I wanted to share this because I strongly feel everyone can benefit by training their minds to truly OBSERVE.   Be a sponge, my friends.  Canadian business needs some strong leaders now more than ever.  Families and Communities need strong leaders.  You have the ability to be one !!!!!

by Dan Kenney

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